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Restoration Recognition: 3 Reasons to be Grateful for Dental Implants

November 14, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drhendricksen @ 6:10 pm
Illustration of a bottom arch of teeth and one of them is a dental implant with the crown levitating over the support rod

Thanksgiving is just around so it’s an opportune time to take a moment to be grateful for things that are often taken for granted throughout the rest of the year, like your dental implants. They are often considered the gold standard of tooth restoration because of all the options, they most closely mimic both the look and functionality of your natural pearly whites. Keep reading to learn about 3 of the reasons to be thankful for your dental implants this year!

Reason #1: Dental Implants Preserve Your Jawbone

Did you know that your body reabsorbs bone mass when you lose a tooth? The roots of your teeth stimulate your jawbone every time you bite down or chew, but once it’s gone, your body recognizes that the support is no longer needed in that spot. Your jaw begins to slowly atrophy as a result. The effect is compounded with each loss, and in time could leave your mouth too weak to support them at all.

Your dental implant, however, includes a support rod that’s inserted directly into your mandible to function like a root. Your jawbone eventually fuses with it in a process known as osseointegration so that it’s essentially permanently planted. Your body continues to sense activity in that spot so your jaw remains healthy, and you’re less likely to lose additional teeth.

Reason #2: Dental Implants Maintain Your Facial Structure

Many patients feel self-conscious after tooth loss because it can make them look older than they are. Gaps in your grin are often associated with older age, but that’s not the worst of it. As you lose teeth and your jaw weakens, you’ll notice changes in the shape of your face, too. Your cheekbones grow more sunken, and your bite can become misaligned. This leads to sagging skin that can add years to your appearance.  

Dental implants, meanwhile, provide your jawbone with the necessary stimulation to remain robust which maintains your facial structure and preserves a more youthful visage.

Reason #3: Dental Implants Improve Your Digestion

Chewing is considered the first step in the digestive process because it mashes food in your mouth into small, pulverized bits before you swallow. This helps your stomach and digestive tract more easily absorb the nutrients your body needs to remain functional. Other restorative treatments, like dentures and dental bridges, are infamous for becoming dislodged or damaged during meals and are harder to eat with. That means you end up swallowing larger bites of food that can gunk up your system.

Fortunately, dental implants are so firmly merged in your jawbone that you can more easily break down pieces of food before swallowing. On top of that, there are fewer dietary restrictions with dental implants, so it’s easier to maintain a well-rounded diet to keep your body healthy.

Those are only a few of the reasons to be glad for your dental implants this month!

About the Practice

At White Cosmetic & Family Dentistry, patients of all ages benefit from a husband-and-wife dental duo that provides a full range of services, including restorations like dental implants. They’re both highly qualified and experienced individually but are happy to work together to make sure every patient gets the customized dental care they deserve. They prioritize your comfort and will gladly walk you through every step of the process so you feel confident in your customized treatment plan. You’re welcome to request an appointment on the website or by calling (540) 587-5707.

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